What does it mean to embody your Higher Self?

Well before I answer that for you, it’s important to understand who your Higher Self is in order to create consistent levels of self motivation that will keep you on an upward spiral of growth!

Your Higher Self is the version of you who operates from a place of alignment and organically manifests abundance in your relationships, career, health and well-being!

It’s the ultimate, best version of yourself. 

We all desire to be our best selves, don't we? But how many of us really understand how to achieve and sustain that goal?

Personally, it took me about a decade to really understand the process of doing this but that’s because I didn’t have a me the way that you do right now! 

What I’ve come to realize is that the “best version” of myself is the version of me who understands how to flow, adapt and maintain a regulated nervous system (meaning less anxiety, overthinking and burnout) as I navigate my way through the season that I’m in. Both trusting that it will all always work out in my favour as well as fully trusting myself to make the best decisions that support my unique path in life.

From a psychological perspective, being the best version of myself is when my conscious and subconscious minds are in rapport. It’s when they’re aligned so that I can consciously surrender to whatever my Higher Self requires me to do to get my desired outcomes, results and experiences that will all contribute to the bigger picture for my life’s purpose. 

For example, I was inspired and divinely instructed to write this for you while on a nature walk as I’ve learned to discipline myself to begin each day by getting in at least 5,000 steps. 

About 20 minutes into the walk, I noticed that I was still listening to my subliminal music instead of cranking Beyoncé's album or any other songs that typically give me higher energy levels. 

So why didn’t I change it and infuse my mind with Queen Bey?

I’ll write another blog about why we should all be playing subliminals throughout our day. But here’s why I left it on: 

A) I understand the importance of exposing my subconscious mind to the RIGHT INFORMATION for me based on my goals and vision 
B) I have enough experience at this point to know what it feels like when my Higher Self hijacks my body and behaviour
C) I understand the power of surrendering my ego to always honour my Higher Self so that God can work through me and use me as His vessel... 

As an emotional entrepreneur, it's smart to develop a level of intimacy with your mind. So you know how to keep yourself in the state of feeling good while doing the necessary tasks to reprogram your negative subconscious patterns into abundant ones. 

The cool thing about subliminal tracks is that the affirmations are so quietly embedded into the music which allows me to benefit from having my headphones plugged in as well as write this for us from a conscious place. 

I recommend thinking of your conscious mind (masculine mind) and subconscious mind (feminine mind) as doing a constant dance with one another. Where one part is always supporting the other where you work in perfect harmony and unison until the dance is complete. 

My current mastermind group includes women who are learning my 5 Divine Feminine Steps of High Ticket Coaching so the using this metaphor, the dance will be over once they learn and apply these steps in consistently enrolling soul mate clients into their businesses! 

Learning anything new requires you to develop new skill sets. You can literally learn anything you put your mind to. So commit to learning how to use it the right way that will always give you your desired results!

If you’re in a place where you feel stuck, confused or just simply having a tough time navigating your internal world, book your FREE Discovery Call with me today and let’s see if I can help you realign to your Higher Self today: 


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