There's no surprise that so many Women CEOs are experiencing such high levels of burn out and anxiety with so many of us being out of touch with our Divine Feminine energy. If you're feeling additional symptoms like mental fatigue, confusion on what the next best step is for you, feeling like you don't know where you fit into this world or depression, this share is for you.

Its time to ask yourself what the root causes are of burn out due to being disconnected from your feminine energy.

While your individual experiences are unique, here are 5 root causes that contribute to the unprecedented levels of burnout and feeling disconnected from your feminine energy:

1. Societal Expectations and Gender Roles: Outdated societal expectations and pressures to excel in multiple roles simultaneously, such as being an entrepreneur, a caregiver, a partner, and a homemaker can cause mental imbalance especially today with so many women desiring to live a more "soft life." Striving to meet these expectations can lead to overwhelming responsibilities and cause you to neglect self-care and personal needs. 

2. Cultural Conditioning and Patriarchal Systems: Cultural conditioning and patriarchal systems typically perpetuates the belief that femininity is weak or less valuable than masculine traits. Think about it. Have you been devaluing your feminine qualities, such as intuition, emotional intelligence, and nurturing nature, in favour of conforming to masculine norms in the workplace and society?

3. High Performance Culture and Work Demands: Modern society often places a strong emphasis on productivity, achievement, and high performance creating pressure to work long hours, take on excessive responsibilities, and strive for perfection, sacrificing self-care and neglecting personal well-being in the process. This constant drive for achievement can result in the disconnection from your feminine essence. After all, we are called human beings, not human doings.

4. Lack of Boundaries and Self-Care: When you struggle with setting boundaries, saying no, and prioritizing your own needs due to societal expectations, it's usually because of the fear of being seen as selfish. This can lead to a continuous cycle of overextending yourself and neglecting self-care practices that nourish your feminine energy. 

5. Disconnect from Nature and Intuition: There is solace, inspiration, and reconnection with our feminine energy found through nature and intuitive practices. This creates disconnection from the body's natural rhythms and intuitive guidance which contributes to feeling out of alignment and burnout.

Embracing and honouring your feminine energy is a vital aspect of personal and collective growth and is essential in preventing burnout and cultivating a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Keep in mind that if you've only ever identified with your masculine energy, normalizing these changes can be difficult. Your subconscious programming (which runs 90% of your thoughts, experiences and overall life) is where these paradigm shifts need to be made. This is the reason why you've likely tried doing this on your own without much long term success.

If you're ready to receive personalized support in getting to your next level, book your Breakthrough Session with me today.

With love always, 


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