Fasana is a Spiritual Life Coach who uses holistic, metaphysical 
and divine teachings to help you more easily embody your Higher Self.

I believe that once a woman universally empowers herself by understanding how to consciously create in her world using the power of her mind and energy, she has the power to become a magnet to her heart's desires, heal her ancestral lineage and change the world by living her most wholesome, successful life.

My mission in life is to educate, empower and inspire women to realize that the way that we tapped into our full potential is by fully aligning ourselves with our Divine Feminine energy. Because without it, we feel misaligned, confused, unbalanced or incomplete.

I am here to teach you how to tap into your personal power by understanding your unique energetic blueprint so that you organically attract abundance, love and all things beautiful into your life.
Fasana Patel, HBA, MNLP, MTLT, MNLPC, MTCHt, is a Multi-Dimensional Woman and Entrepreneur who is passionate about helping others develop the confidence and leadership skills to sustainably thrive along the course of their lives. 

As a Holistic Empowerment Coach, CEO, Speaker and Best Selling Author, her mission is to educate leaders around the holistic strategies that allow for us to sustainably create abundance in all aspects of life. She strives to empower other women to understand the importance of wholeness and self love because we have the power to change the world once we commit to becoming the best version of ourselves.

Only once we learn to truly, deeply love ourselves — wholly and completely — can we show up authentically, engage interdependently in our relationships and develop resiliency in our thinking in order to create long term, holistic success.

Fasana is a thought leader and expert in positive psychology, mindset and human potential. She works with individuals who are determined to close the gap between knowing and doing. She has a beautiful spiritual outlook towards life because she believes that everything changes when we acknowledge our divine energy from within by first connecting to Self and Source. 

Growing up with her single mother and younger sister, Fasana was thrown into responsibility in life at an early age where she developed a burning desire for helping others increase the quality of their lives by connecting to a higher purpose. As a woman who was given certain generational chains to break, her work and legacy prevails in elevating the global paradigms that future generations can build upon to continue creating a world where abundance, happiness, health and wealth are the normal living conditions for the greater good of humanity.

She believes that each and every person in this world has a special gift and purpose that they can continue to the healing of the world. Once they become clear on those gifts, they have the power to allow God to work through them as a way of contributing to raising the vibration of the collective. 

For the last 15 years, Fasana has dedicated her life to building businesses and contributing to causes that has allowed for her to inspire women around the world to believe in themselves and their potential. Incredible things happen when we attain full alignment within ourselves — mind, body and soul.

Fasana graduated from York University in Toronto with an Honours Degree in Sociology and Philosophy in 2010. She is professionally trained in Holistic Nutrition and holds certifications as a Master Practitioner in NLP and Hypnotherapy. In 2023, she was awarded an Honorary Doctorate for her life’s work in the Philosophy of Humanities.

“Fasana's program has helped me release every single subconscious barrier that I had set for myself. 

It’s helped me realize that I was the only one holding myself back. 

Now, I know there’s nothing holding me back. I’ve had an awakening, I have no more excuses. 

Now, I will only move forward and literally become the best version of myself possible. 

Ladies, you need to do this process with Fasana. Period. It will help you realize what’s holding you back and move past that. 

It will move you into whatever success means to you. I think that it’s a program that every woman entrepreneur should do to create unstoppable confidence in themselves.”

-Cindy Mathieu

Are you ready to change your life?